Heat Pump vs. Furnace

When it comes to selecting the right heating system for your home, understanding the distinctions between installing a heat pump and installing a furnace is crucial. Both offer unique advantages and considerations that can significantly impact your comfort and energy costs. 

Let’s delve into the specifics of a heat pump vs furnace, weighing the pros and cons of each system to help you make an informed decision for your home.

What Is A Heat Pump?

A heat pump system is a highly versatile HVAC system that operates on the principle of refrigeration. It does not generate heat like a furnace. Instead, it functions by extracting heat from either the outdoor air or the ground, depending on the type of heat pump (air-source heat pumps or ground-source heat pumps), and transfers it into or out of your home. 

During colder months, even when the temperature drops, there is still heat available in the air. Both ducted and ductless heat pumps capture this heat and pump it into your home, ensuring it remains warm and comfortable. In the summer, the process is reversed, allowing the heat pump to act as an efficient air conditioner.

One of the most significant advantages of heat pump technology is its dual functionality, acting as both a heating and cooling system. This makes it an excellent year-round solution, especially in regions with mild climates where the temperature fluctuations are within the heat pump’s efficient operating range. 

If you’re curious and want to learn more about heat pump systems, Husky carries a wide range of excellent, reliable heat pump brands like Carrier and Lennox

What Is A Furnace?

Performance™ 96 Gas Furnace 59TP6

A furnace is a heating system that generates warmth by burning a fuel source, which can include natural gas, oil, or propane. The combustion process produces heat, which is then distributed throughout the home via a system of ductwork and vents. Furnaces are known for their ability to quickly and effectively warm a space, making them a popular choice in regions with harsh winters.

Unlike a heat pump, which extracts existing heat, a furnace actively generates heat, providing a powerful and reliable source of warmth even in the coldest conditions. This makes furnaces particularly suitable for areas where temperatures can drop significantly during the winter months.

Which System Works Better?

The pros and cons between a heat pump and a furnace is contingent on several crucial factors, and the choice will differ between families and households. 

Both a heat pump and a furnace will be able to heat your home in colder climates, but the system you choose will depend on many different considerations. Let’s take a deeper look at what those factors are, so you can choose between the two home heating systems. 

Winter Home Comfort

In Ontario’s extremely cold winters, a furnace often provides more reliable and consistent heating compared to a heat pump. Furnaces are engineered to handle even the harshest winter conditions, ensuring that your home remains warm and comfortable regardless of how cold the outside air can get.

If you opt for an air source heat pump system, there will be a supplemental heating system in place to combat those extremely cold temperatures (usually below -20ºC). Whereas a geothermal heat pump can handle cold climates at any temperature and not require any backup sources to produce heat. 

Air Quality

One of the notable advantages of heat pumps is their positive impact on indoor air quality. Since they do not burn fuel to generate heat, they do not produce carbon monoxide and there are no emissions or byproducts. This means that heat pumps contribute to maintaining clean and healthy indoor air, making them an excellent choice for households with individuals who suffer from allergies or respiratory conditions.

A natural gas furnace will produce combustion gasses and poses some risk for carbon monoxide leaks if the unit is not properly maintained. Always ensure that your heating system is properly vented and receives regular maintenance.

Energy Efficiency

Heat pumps are highly regarded for their exceptional energy efficiency. Rather than generating heat, they use electricity to move heat from one place to another. This process requires significantly less energy compared to the combustion of fuel used in furnaces. As a result, homeowners can often enjoy substantial savings on their energy bills, particularly in moderate climates where heat pumps can efficiently handle both heating and cooling needs throughout the year.

While furnaces are less energy efficient overall than heat pumps, they are still very efficient heating systems. According to the Government of Canada, “An ENERGY STAR certified forced-air furnace, fuelled by gas uses 6% less energy, fuelled by oil uses 9% less energy, on average, than a standard model.”


With the Canada Greener Homes Grant, the Canadian government offers rebates and incentives to encourage the installation of energy-efficient heating systems. These incentives can provide additional motivation and financial benefits to homeowners considering a new heating system.

Taking advantage of the Canada Greener Homes Grant with Husky not only benefits individual homeowners but also contributes to Canada’s efforts in fighting climate change and building a sustainable future

Installation Costs

In the heat pump vs furnace debate, a point often made is that the installation cost of installing a heat pump is higher than it would be to install a furnace. But it’s important to consider the long-term savings on energy bills. 

Additionally, installation costs can vary based on various factors, such as the complexity of the installation, the presence of existing ductwork, and the specific requirements of the location. Consulting with Husky’s HVAC professionals and obtaining a quote can help you make a well-informed decision regarding the initial investment.


Furnaces generally have a longer lifespan compared to heat pumps. A well-maintained furnace can last up to 20 years or more, providing reliable heating for an extended period. In contrast, a heat pump may require replacement after around 15 years. 

Regular maintenance, performed by a qualified technician, can significantly extend the life of both systems, ensuring they operate efficiently for years to come.


A heat pump typically requires less space for installation compared to a gas furnace. They do not need a fuel storage area or venting systems, which can make them a more flexible option for homes with limited space. This advantage can be especially beneficial for homeowners who prioritize maximizing their available living space.


Both heat pumps and furnaces are designed with safety as a paramount consideration. However, it’s crucial to ensure that any gas-powered furnace is properly vented to prevent the buildup of harmful gasses like carbon monoxide. 

Regular maintenance of your heat pump or gas furnace, not to mention timely inspections, are essential to ensure that all safety features and mechanisms are functioning as intended.

Husky Air is Here To Help! 

Selecting the right heating system for your home is a significant decision with long-lasting implications for your comfort and energy costs. Understanding the nuances of a heat pump vs furnace, along with considering factors such as climate, budget, and available rebates, will empower you to make an informed choice. 

Consulting with HVAC professionals at Husky can further aid in the decision-making process. Ultimately, whether you opt for a heat pump or a furnace, both systems offer distinct advantages that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your home and climate.