Cold Climate Heat Pump Guide

As Canadians face the challenges of fluctuating temperatures and extreme weather conditions, the demand for efficient and versatile heating and cooling systems has never been greater. 

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of heat pumps, exploring their types, advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps, costs, energy efficiency, and the various considerations that Canadians should keep in mind when choosing the right system for their homes.

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is A Heat Pump?
  2. How Does A Heat Pump Work?
  3. Which Type Of Heat Pump Is Best?
  4. Advantages of Heat Pumps
  5. Disadvantages of Heat Pumps
  6. Duct vs. Ductless Heat Pumps
  7. Cost Of A Heat Pump
  8. How Energy Efficient Are Heat Pumps?
  9. Can I Save Money On Heat Pumps?
  10. What Size Heat Pump Do I Need?
  11. Should I Maintenance My Heat Pump?
  12. 2 Best Heat Pump Brands

What Is A Heat Pump?


A heat pump is a sophisticated and energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system designed to regulate indoor temperatures by transferring heat between the interior and exterior environments. This innovative technology operates on the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, allowing it to both heat and cool living spaces with remarkable efficiency.

How Does A Heat Pump Work?

At its core, a heat pump operates like a reversible refrigerator. It uses a refrigeration cycle to extract heat from one space and release it into another. In the winter, the heat pump extracts heat from the outside air, ground, or water and transfers it into your home to provide warmth. In the summer, this process is reversed, extracting heat from your home’s interior and expelling it outdoors to cool the indoor environment.

Which Type Of Heat Pump Is Best?

Air-Source Heat Pump

The most common type of heat pump is the air-source heat pump. This heat pump systems extracts heat from the outdoor air, even in colder temperatures, making it suitable for a variety of climates. Air-source heat pumps consist of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit, connected by refrigerant lines. Air-source heat pumps are known for their versatility, cost-effectiveness, and ease of installation.

Water-Source Heat Pump

Water-source heat pumps extract heat from a water source, such as a well, lake, or pond. While the installation of these systems can be more complex, they offer high efficiency and reliable heating and cooling performance. Water-source heat pumps are particularly advantageous for properties with access to a stable water source.

Geothermal Heat Pump

Geothermal heat pumps (also known as ground source heat pumps) utilize the Earth’s constant temperature below the surface to extract or release heat. By circulating a fluid through underground pipes, these systems harness the Earth’s natural thermal energy. Although the initial installation costs can be higher, geothermal heat pumps are known for their exceptional efficiency and long-term cost savings.

Advantages of Heat Pumps

Energy Efficiency: Heat pumps are renowned for their energy efficiency. Unlike traditional heating systems that generate heat through combustion, a heat pump system transfers heat, requiring significantly less energy to operate.

Year-Round Comfort: Cold climate heat pumps meet both of your heating and cooling needs, offering year-round comfort with a single heat pump system. This versatility eliminates the need for separate cooling and heating systems, streamlining HVAC solutions.

Environmental Sustainability: By relying on heat transfer rather than burning fossil fuels, heat pumps produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. This aligns with the growing emphasis on environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable living practices.

Consistent Performance: Regardless of external temperatures, air-source heat pumps remain effective. Even during colder Canadian winters, these systems can extract heat from the air and efficiently warm indoor spaces.

Potential Disadvantages

Installation Location: The effectiveness of a new heat pump depends on its installation location. Proper placement of the outdoor unit, whether on the ground or mounted on a wall, ensures optimal performance and efficiency.

Climate Considerations: While air-source heat pumps work well in most Canadian climates compared to a natural gas furnace, factors such as extreme cold temperatures might affect their efficiency. In such cases, supplemental heating sources may be recommended.

Size and Capacity: Choosing the right-sized heat pump is essential for efficient operation. Factors such as the size of the home, insulation levels, and local climate influence the capacity needed for optimal performance.

Duct vs. Ductless Heat Pumps

Choosing between ducted and ductless heat pump systems depends on the specific needs of your home. 

Ducted systems, distributing air through a network of ducts, are suitable for larger homes with existing ductwork. 

Ductless systems, with their flexibility and individual control over different zones, are ideal for smaller spaces or homes without ductwork.

Cost Of A Heat Pump

Understanding the cost implications of installing a heat pump system is crucial for homeowners considering this investment. 

While the initial costs may be higher than traditional heating systems, the potential for long-term savings on energy bills makes cold climate heat pumps a financially sound choice. The cost of a heat pump heating system is a multifaceted consideration that extends beyond the initial purchase price. 

Homeowners should evaluate their specific needs, consider installation and operational efficiency, explore government incentives, and factor in long-term savings. By making a well-informed decision, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a reliable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective heating and cooling solution for years to come.

Initial Purchase Costs

The initial cost of a heat pump depends on several factors, with the type of heat pump being a primary consideration:

1. Air-Source Heat Pump

  • Air-source heat pumps are generally more affordable compared to other types.
  • Prices vary based on the system’s capacity, brand, and additional features.

2. Water-Source Heat Pump

  • Water-source heat pumps may have higher upfront costs due to the complexity of installation.
  • Expenses can be influenced by factors like water source accessibility and installation requirements.

3. Geothermal Heat Pump

  • Geothermal heat pumps tend to have the highest initial costs.
  • Installation involves drilling into the ground, which requires specialized equipment and expertise.

Installation Expenses

Installation costs contribute significantly to the overall investment in a heat pump. Several factors influence these expenses:

1. System Type

  • Air-source heat pumps are generally easier to install, resulting in lower installation costs.
  • Water-source and geothermal heat pumps may require more intricate installations, impacting overall expenses.

2. Home Size and Layout

  • The size and layout of your home influence the complexity of the installation.
  • Larger homes may require more extensive ductwork or multiple units, affecting installation costs.

3. Existing Infrastructure

  • Homes with existing ductwork may find it more cost-effective to install a ducted system.
  • Ductless systems, while flexible, may incur additional costs if significant modifications are needed.

Operational Efficiency and Long-Term Savings

While the initial investment is a crucial consideration, it’s essential to assess the operational efficiency and potential long-term savings:

1. Energy Efficiency

  • Heat pumps are renowned for their energy efficiency, contributing to lower monthly utility bills.
  • Higher-efficiency models may have slightly higher upfront costs but can result in substantial savings over time.

2. Long-Term Savings

  • Despite potential higher initial costs, heat pumps often offer long-term savings through reduced energy consumption.
  • Homeowners may recoup their initial investment through lower energy bills over the life of the system.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Considering the long-term benefits of reduced energy bills, increased home value, and potential government incentives, heat pump technologies can offer a favourable return on investment over time.

Professional Installation and Maintenance

Choosing a reputable HVAC professional like Husky for installation is crucial. While professional services may incur additional costs, they ensure that the heat pump installed is correct, optimizing efficiency and performance. Regular maintenance, though an ongoing expense, is essential for preserving the system’s longevity and efficiency.

How Energy Efficient Are Heat Pumps?

One of the primary advantages of heat pumps is their exceptional energy efficiency. These systems can provide more heating or cooling for the same amount of energy compared to traditional systems. Energy efficiency not only translates to lower utility bills but also contributes to a reduced carbon footprint, aligning with the increasing focus on sustainable living.

Energy efficiency is a key factor that sets heat pumps apart as a sustainable and cost-effective heating and cooling solution. Understanding the energy efficiency of heat pumps involves examining their performance in various conditions, considering different types of heat pumps, and exploring the factors that contribute to their eco-friendly reputation.

Operation Principles

Heat pumps operate on the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, using a refrigeration cycle to transfer heat between the indoors and outdoors. This process allows them to provide both heating and cooling functionalities efficiently.

Heating Mode:

  • In cold weather, an air-source or geothermal heat pump extracts heat from the outdoor air or ground.
  • The heat is then transferred indoors, providing warmth even in low temperatures.

Cooling Mode:

  • In warmer weather, the process is reversed. Heat is taken from the indoor air and released outdoors, effectively cooling the indoor environment.

Factors Contributing to Energy Efficiency

Variable-Speed Technology:

  • Many modern heat pumps feature variable-speed compressors, allowing the system to adjust its output based on the specific heating or cooling requirements.
  • This technology enhances efficiency by avoiding frequent starts and stops, maintaining a more consistent indoor temperature.

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF):

  • SEER measures the cooling efficiency of a heat pump, while HSPF indicates its heating efficiency.
  • Higher SEER and HSPF ratings signify greater efficiency, with modern systems often exceeding regulatory standards.

Insulation and Home Efficiency:

  • The overall energy efficiency of a heat pump is influenced by the insulation and efficiency of the home.
  • A well-insulated home with energy-efficient windows and doors enhances the effectiveness of the heat pump.

Regular Maintenance:

  • Regular maintenance, including cleaning filters, checking refrigerant levels, and inspecting the system, ensures optimal performance.
  • A well-maintained heat pump operates more efficiently, providing reliable heating and cooling.

Can I Save Money On Heat Pumps?

The Canadian government is actively encouraging homeowners to adopt energy-efficient technologies, including heat pumps. 

As part of the effort to promote energy-efficient upgrades, the Canada Greener Homes Grant offers financial incentives to homeowners, including those investing in heat pump installations. The Canada Greener Homes Grant is a financial incentive program that offers grants to homeowners making eco-friendly upgrades. 

By installing a heat pump, you may be eligible for a grant that can offset a portion of the initial costs, making the transition to a heat pump system even more affordable.

What Size Heat Pump Do I Need?

Selecting the right-sized heat pump is a critical consideration for optimal performance and energy efficiency. Factors such as the size of the home, the level of insulation, and the local climate all play a role in determining the appropriate capacity. Consulting with a professional HVAC specialist can help homeowners make an informed decision tailored to their specific needs.

Should I Maintenance My Heat Pump?

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and efficiency of a heat pump system. Simple tasks such as cleaning or replacing filters, checking refrigerant levels, and inspecting the overall system can prevent breakdowns and ensure that the heat pump operates at peak performance throughout its lifespan.

Best Heat Pump Brands

When it comes to choosing a heat pump for your home, selecting a reputable and reliable brand is crucial. Two leading brands, Lennox and Carrier, are known for their innovative technologies, energy-efficient solutions, and commitment to providing top-tier heating and cooling systems.

Husky’s team of skilled technicians is well-versed in the installation of Lennox and Carrier heat pumps. Choosing a trusted brand like Lennox or Carrier, coupled with professional installation and maintenance services from Husky, ensures that you experience the full benefits of an efficient, reliable, and environmentally conscious HVAC system. This combination of top-tier products and expert services sets the stage for a comfortable and sustainable home environment.


Lennox stands out as a reputable brand known for its innovative and energy-efficient heat pump systems. With a commitment to quality and advanced technologies, Lennox products are designed to provide both comfort and efficiency.

Lennox is synonymous with innovation and cutting-edge technology in the HVAC industry. With a legacy dating back more than a century, Lennox has consistently delivered products that prioritize efficiency, comfort, and environmental responsibility. Their heat pump systems are designed to meet the highest standards, ensuring homeowners experience optimal performance and reliability.

Lennox heat pumps often feature advanced energy-efficient technologies, including variable-speed compressors and precise temperature control. This not only enhances comfort but also contributes to reduced energy consumption, translating into lower utility bills for homeowners.


Carrier, a trusted name in the HVAC industry, offers a range of reliable and energy-efficient heat pump solutions. With a legacy of innovation, Carrier’s systems are designed to meet the highest standards of performance, making them a popular choice among homeowners.

Carrier, recognized as one of the founding fathers of modern air conditioning, has a rich history of pioneering HVAC solutions. With a reputation built on reliability and innovation, Carrier continues to be a go-to choice for homeowners seeking advanced heating and cooling systems.

Carrier heat pumps are engineered for efficiency and exceptional comfort. Their systems often incorporate advanced features such as variable-speed technology, providing precise temperature control and consistent performance.

Husky Experts are Here to Help

As the nation continues to prioritize sustainable living and energy efficiency, the adoption of heat pump technology represents a significant step toward a greener future. 

The investment in heat pump installation is not just about heating and cooling; it’s about embracing a more sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle that aligns with the values of modern homeowners. In the ever-evolving landscape of HVAC technology, heat pumps stand as a testament to the progress being made in making homes more comfortable, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

Reach out to a friendly Husky representative for further information on heat pumps and get a free quote on any installation, maintenance, or repairs to your new or existing heat pump system.