
When we started up in 1974, we resolved to be a low-cost provider with a difference. We wanted to not only give Toronto homeowners guaranteed lowest prices, but still provide the friendly, personalized service everyone deserves.

Husky is honoured to be the recipient of the following awards.

HomeStars Awards 2021, 2020, 2019

HomeStars Best of 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021

HomeStars is a Canadian independent reviewing site. Every year, millions of Canadians review thousands of businesses, helping other consumers choose the best and avoid the worst.

In 2017, we were chosen for the HomeStars “Best of 2017” award. You can see it on our profile page here. We were also chosen in 2019, 2020 and 2021!

HomeStars winners are chosen on the basis of review quality and quantity for the past year. There are also background checks done on the company, to ensure we operate with integrity. The award can be revoked at any time if standards drop in the future. We are thrilled with this award and resolve to keep our prices low and standards high for the future!

Top Choice Award for 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014

We’re deeply grateful to our customers in Vaughan for voting us the best heating and cooling provider for seven years in a row!

In order to be chosen, we not only need enough nominations sent in from customers, but we also need to collect enough votes. Our customers made that possible!

Top Choice Husky Heating

Award-Winning Service

We are proud of our awards, and resolve to keep doing everything in our power to provide the best possible service to our customers every day!

  1. Technical Expertise. Our licensed technicians receive ongoing additional training from North American Technician Excellence (NATE) program, plus additional training direct from manufacturers like Lennox, Carrier, Daikin, Navien, and more.
  2. Lowest prices in the GTA. If you can find a lower price, we’ll match or even beat it!
  3. Full prices delivered in advance. There’s no guesswork and no hidden fees with Husky – just the full cost up front and NO sales pressure!
  4. Friendly, on-time service. We respect our customers and their homes. Without you, we simply wouldn’t exist.

We invite you to give our award-winning services a try!

Ask for a free quote about your home systems today.

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